11月 232010

Version 1.0
Author: Falko Timme
Last edited: 02/07/2006

In this HowTo I will show how to install and configure DenyHosts. DenyHosts is a tool that observes login attempts to SSH, and if it finds failed login attempts again and again from the same IP address, DenyHosts blocks further login attempts from that IP address by putting it into /etc/hosts.deny. DenyHosts can be run by cron or as a daemon. In this tutorial I will run DenyHosts as a daemon.

From the DenyHosts web site:

“DenyHosts is a script intended to be run by Linux system administrators to help thwart ssh server attacks.

If you've ever looked at your ssh log (/var/log/secure on Redhat, /var/log/auth.log on Mandrake, etc…) you may be alarmed to see how many hackers attempted to gain access to your server. Hopefully, none of them were successful (but then again, how would you know?). Wouldn't it be better to automatically prevent that attacker from continuing to gain entry into your system?

DenyHosts attempts to address the above… “

This tutorial is based on a Debian Sarge system, however, it should apply to other distributions with almost no modifications.

I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! Continue reading »

11月 122010

狗爹目前支持.org, .eu, .biz 和 .us域名的DNSSEC安全扩展. com 和 net域名估计还要再等等啊,至少是2011年下半年了.

by GoDaddy Employee JacqueM on August 17th, 2010

We currently support DNSSEC for .org, .eu, .biz., and .us domain name extensions. The registry for .com and .net, VeriSign (R), doesn’t support DNSSEC for these extensions yet, but they’re working on it. As soon as they make DNSSEC possible for .com and .net, we plan to be right there with them to support it!

11月 142009


1. 在启用firewall的情况下, 程序第一次使用cmnet上网后,不能使用wifi来上网; 程序第一次使用wifi上网后,不能使用cmnet来上网.

2. 关闭firewall后才可以上. 黑莓自带浏览器不受影响.Goonuu不受影响.

3. 现象,不能连接时提示: The application has attempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall.


1. 在黑莓出厂的默认设置中, 为保持手持设备的网络安全,禁止了第三方程序的private和public两种类型连接方式的共存,以保护内部网络数据不被第三方程序传送到public网络. 例如黑莓企业服务器的MDS输入private类型,而wap和cmnet属于public类型.

2. 此项控制是通过手机IT Policy中 “ALLOW_SPLIT_PIPE_CONNECTIONS” 这一条策略来调整,出厂默认为False.需将其设置为True才可以使用多种类型上网方式.

解决方法: Continue reading »

9月 132009

      Is a quality device password set to control access to the Blackberry?

      Is content protection(encryption) enabled on the Blackberry?

      Does the Blackberry contain the latest RIM operating system?

      Are you regularly educating yourself on potential new Blackberry vulnerabilities and exploits?

      Is an antivirus/antimalware program installed on the Blackberry?

      Are you on the lookout for third-party Blackberry personal firewalls?

      Is the Blackberry firewall-enabled?

      Are the Blackberry firewall default setting configured as securely as possible for how the Blackberry will be utilized?

      Are specific applications installed on the Blackberry configured with the least amount of access to other portions of the Blackberry?

      Are users educated on the potential risks to Blackberry?

      Are external interfaces that will not be utilized disabled?

      Is the bluetooth Discoverable option disabled?

      Are bluetooth options, such as acess to the address book,configured as securely as possible?

Things to Remember

      Blackberry devices are susceptible to exactly the same types of threats as any other type of computer system. These threats include the following: Continue reading »

4月 112009


1. 修改HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\UpperFilters键值,把alidevice删除,注意kbdclass保留,不要删除,否则重启机器你的键盘可能失效。

2. 删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ACPI\PNP0303\4&5289e18&0,这里直接删除会报错,用icesword这个软件删除4&5289e18&0(icesword V1.22绿色版可以在华军软件http://www.newhua.com/soft/53325.htm下载)

3. 删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Alidevice

4. 删除Windows\System32\Drivers\AliDevice.sys文件

5. 重启系统

6. 部分电脑可能出现”发现新硬件”的提示,继而要求重启系统,这是由于干净删除alidevice以后,键盘恢复初始状态,在系统重新注册的缘故。

9月 262008






医学实验证明,开车时如果音量过大,就会加重听觉的负担,分散注意力,降低判断情况的准确性。平常说话的声音是四五十分贝,实验表明,当音量为75分贝(相当于在闹市区的感觉)时,司机判断的失误率为24%;当音量为95分贝时,判断的失误率超过40%。 Continue reading »

4月 162008




这意味着不需要找出任何软件缺陷就可以让攻击者大踏步进入系统而不被任何基于软件的入侵检测系统发觉.更可怕的是,这些可编程的芯片在Sun的中高端服务器中非常常见. Continue reading »