8月 262009



具体方法,8900可以按右上方的静音/休眠键, 另外,方便的环境下,多使用黑莓原装的休眠皮套,好处多多.


不要小看这个设置,高亮的屏幕是平时待机过程中耗电的大户。在Option(选项)中的Screen/Keyboard(屏幕/键盘)选单中,将Backlight Brightness(背光亮度)(自动调整背光选项开启时本项无效)和Backlight Timeout(背光延迟)调小一些。这样可以很有效的降低平时的屏幕能耗。


黑莓的LED提示灯是一个很吸引人的设计。当有未读信件或未接电话时,LED灯就会用不同颜色的光闪烁。殊不知这也是电量一大杀手之一。高强度的LED灯持续闪烁会加速电池的消耗。当我们预期电量吃紧时,我们尽可以关闭LED灯来达到省一些电量的目的。在Profile(情景模式)中的Advanced…(高级)选单中,编辑目前的情景模式,将Repeat Notification(持续提醒)设置为None(没有)即可。

3. 尽量少的使用动态壁纸和动态主题。


4.Berrymail/Shangmail/Gmail……? Continue reading »

8月 222009

What you can do with GPS Logger?

  • Record your movement (as long as you take your BB with you) 😉
  • Display current Position:
    • Longitude / Latitude
    • accuracy for Longitude & Latitude values
    • # of Satellites
    • current altitude (in WGS84)
    • current course/heading
    • current speed [Ø speed (if available)]
    • travel distance
    • travel time
  • While recording you can mark your current position and specify a note/remark for it
  • While recording you can pause & resume the recording
  • Copy your current location data [Lon|Lat|Alt] into the Clipboard to be able to paste it in a SMS or eMail (or where ever you like) Continue reading »

8月 222009

GPS Logger[100% free 100% offline]
A straight forward application, to record your movement with your BlackBerry® device over time
+ Simple Geocache Application for BlackBerry® devices
+ Outdoor Navigation

I would like to present an application that I have written for all BlackBerry® devices with OS 4.2.1 or higher [successfully tested by other users and myself with 8100, 8310, 8800, 8820, 8900, 9000, 9500, 9530 & 9630].

GPSLogger is a pretty straightforward application. It records your physical movement on your BB device over time, including elevation, speed, and some additional data. GPSLogger can also direct you to a location that you either entered manually or have previously recorded. This is the "Guide me Home" function, which makes GPSLogger usable for Geocaching. As extended functionality to the "Guide Me Home" feature since v1.5 a very easy to use outdoor navigation is integrated into GPSLogger also.

The most important aspect of GPSLogger is that it will work 100% offline – no data will be transferred while you use it.

Core Features of GPSLogger

  • Record your movement over time – the following values will be stored:
    • longitude / latitude
    • accuracy for longitude & latitude values
    • # of satellites
    • current altitude (in WGS84)
    • current course/heading
    • current speed
    • name of location (if specified) Continue reading »
8月 142009

The latest BlackBerry® smartphones come equipped with cameras that include a digital zoom function, a built-in flash and lighting options. They're perfect for capturing spur-of-the-moment events. In this issue of BlackBerry® Connection®, we show you how to take better pictures—and avoid common mistakes—plus provide some additional tips on how to organize, share, and edit your images.

1. Get Closer

While you can capture panoramas with your camera, you'll take the best possible photos by getting close to your subject matter. Go ahead and take a few extra steps toward what you're shooting—the images you capture will be much more engaging.

Don't worry about getting an entire person—or animal—in the frame. In the picture on the right, we got in close and captured an image with a much different feel than the one on the left.

2. Hold Steady

Camera shake is the primary reason for blurry photos, whether you're using a cameraphone or a digital SLR. To capture a crisp, clear image, hold your smartphone with two hands or use one hand to brace your arm. If possible, hold your smartphone on top of a desk or other object to reduce camera shake. Continue reading »

8月 142009





第二,晚上睡觉把手机放在脑袋边并没有相象中那么可怕。我将手机处于待机状态,测到的电场强度只有0.1-0.8v/m之间,这个值相对于打电话时的辐射基本可以忽略不计的。而且,在离手机20厘米处电场强度只有0-0.3 v/m,这完全有可能是室内电线产生的辐射。

第三,电磁辐射最大的是手机的GPRS上网。测得在数据交换时(也就是黑莓手机的右上角出现上下箭头时)手机表面的电场强度最大值达到了40v/m,平均值也在16至30之间。根据上网时眼睛与屏幕的距离,将仪器探头放在离手机20厘米时,电场强度也达到了10v/m左右,30厘米时在6-8v/m左右。而我在测移动基站的电场强度时遇到的最大值也不过6v/m。所以,经常拿手机上网对人的电磁辐射是最大的。 Continue reading »