

  2010年3月22日,美国知名主机服务商HostEase对外宣布,将于近期推出中文网站。HostEase将成为继IXWebhosting推出中文站cn.ixwebhosting.com 之后第二家推出中文网站的美国主机商。Hostease已于2009年8月提供支付宝付款,是提供支付宝付款最早的三家美国主机商之一。而据该公司的CEO表示,今年HostEase将会为中国用户提供更多的便利,包括中文网站,中文客服等等。

  HostEase成立于2008年,其服务器位于美国SoftLayer科技公司机房,该机房是中国访问速度最快的美国机房之一,深受中国用户的喜爱。同时HostEase提供全天候的技术支持服务,30天无条件退款保证,无限制主机方案,是很多中国用户的首选。记者随机采访了几名中国的HostEase用户,均表示对HostEase的速度和服务非常满意,连线速度要比Bluehost IxWebHosting Godaddy等国内用户常用的美国主机快。



HostEase to Expand Chinese Market

March 5th, 2010

Recently, we have made a decision of developing China into one of HostEase’s top markets on the top meeting.

In August, 2009, HostEase announced that it had launched the support of Alipay — the major online payment method in China. The Eastern country has become one of the most important markets for hosting industry. A research for CRINORDIC.COM indicates that there are 384 million Internet users in China by the end of 2009, among which the need of web hosting are growing rapidly.

There’s some web hosting providers that have already started their business in China. It would be hard work to get better position in the ever-growing market, fortunately the support of Alipay laid a solid foundation for our entering Chinese market.

As one of the most promising hosting provider with high performance in the field, we make “Easing Customers’ Hosting Experience” as our mission, and are dedicated in providing the best service for our customers.

Our Chinese official web site will be launched in a few months, and other service projects such as hosting solutions designed for Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, Chinese customer service are also in progress now.

Hope everything goes well!
