
filezilla连vsftpd服务器时出现GnuTLS error -8的原因和解决办法.

FTP服务器: vsftpd
FTP客户端: filezilla
出错提示: GnuTLS error -8: A record packet with illegal version was received.

杯具的我, 由于上述error,折腾了很久. 最后在这篇博文(http://ramblings.linkerror.com/?p=45)里找到一点提示,

然后就请出wireshark,在收到服务器的一条500 opps之后
Pg%,E>jL@2vVR#X=czgeGi394500 OOPS:


Pg%,EcjM@2v0R#X=czgeG394unrecognised variable in config file: local_rot




Posted on: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 at 03:56.
Filed under: All, ServerAdmin.
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vsftpd debugging
If you’re ever working with vsftpd, and filezilla dumps out this error:

GnuTLS error -8: A record packet with illegal version was received

You’re not finding any relevant error messages in your vsftpd log file, nor in the xferlog, nor in /var/log/messages ?

Well, vsftpd seems to be horribly un-verbose. The cause of this error is not because of some obscure TLS problem. What’s causing it is vsftpd dumping out a plain-text error in the middle of the encrypted data stream, causing the ftp client to pop out this error.

The only way to debug this was by packet sniffing the actual connection with wireshark. Following the TCP stream with wireshark, the error I was looking for in the log files, was clearly visible at the end of the TLS encrypted data, before the connection dropped.

Something like:

dvU2@:M.&.X=:-A*4aUm3:)!)y5Kt$'&”ZQN:'v%X500 OOPS: Cannot change directory: /foo

It turned out to be a simple permissions issue… .
Why vsftpd isn’t logging these to it’s own log file, or even syslogd, who knows. At the most verbose configuration, it is logging all sorts of things, except the actual error causing the problem!

Had encryption not been enabled in vsftpd, the error would have been visible in the FTP client.

So to any one encountering this, I would recommend either temporarily disabling encryption in vsftpd in order to see the error, or if that is not an option, use a packet sniffer to view the error.

I figured I would post this since google didn’t bring up much useful as I was debugging this. 🙂
