

The IPv6 Link-local address is derived form the MAC- or Ethernet hardware address in the following way;


Mac address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
IPv6 Link local address: fe80::xyxx:xxff:fexx:xxxx

Where y = X XOR 2. Furthermore ‘ff:fe’ is inserted and ‘fe80::’ prepended.

‘y = X XOR 2’ means inverting the 2nd bit from the right;

X bin X Hex y bin y Hex
0000 0 0010 2
0001 1 0011 3
0010 2 0000 0
0011 3 0001 1
0100 4 0110 6
0101 5 0111 7
0110 6 0100 4
0111 7 0101 5
1000 8 1010 a
1001 9 1011 b
1010 A 1000 8
1011 B 1001 9
1100 C 1110 e
1101 D 1111 f
1110 E 1100 c
1111 F 1101 d