11 月 292017


11 月 292017

For the purposes of this post, we’ll use the screenshot in Figure A. This figure shows a Resource Monitor view from a production server running Windows Server 2008 R2 and Exchange Server 2010 with all Exchange roles installed. As such, this server has significant need for network resources that operate within acceptable boundaries. (Note: Like all of our other servers, this server is running as a virtual machine under VMware vSphere 4.1.) Figure A.

Let’s start with an overall look at the console. Occupying most of the window is the statistics area, which I’ll be explaining in depth. At the right side of the window are a number of graphs, each depicting a key network-based performance metric. Continue reading »

2 月 202017

自從今年(2015)的4月更新完後,拙者的Windows Update就癱瘓掉了
每次點選檢查更新後,沒多久肯定會跑出錯誤代碼 8007000E
一切都是微軟為了Windows10的布局啊!!!! Continue reading »