8 月 232011

  1. 安全性 黑莓的安全性没的说的:重启自检,虽然重启慢的一塌糊涂。没有病毒,且没有杀毒软件表示要做黑莓版杀毒软件。不然奥巴马怎么敢用黑莓呢?此外,黑莓对 API 的调用只能通过一个软件:如邮件弹出,不能装两个类似的软件。另外,黑莓不能随意篡改系统文件。 iPhone 和 Android的安全性一般,系统文件可以随意篡改。很多底层的软件包括内置软件都会出现不稳定的情况,第三方应用更是容易崩溃。 Continue reading »

8 月 042010

Research In Motion executives are fond of saying that their platform is more secure than other mobile providers. For example, Scott Tzoke, RIM's VP of Security was recently quoted as saying that BlackBerrys are “secure right out of the box” (meaning that no additional mobile security protection is needed) and that RIM offers enterprises with the most secure mobile computing option thanks to the ability to create security settings for all enterprise users via its BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES).

This official position is not without its critics, particularly among some mobile security researchers such as Tyler Shields whose presentation at ShmooCon 2010 showed how standard BlackBerry settings could “access and leak sensitive information using only RIM-provided APIs and no trickery or exploits at all.”

All of these security questions are moot, however, if you're using your BlackBerry to send its highly touted encrypted emails to or from the Russian Federation, the Peoples Republic of China; or, shortly, India, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Continue reading »

8 月 032010

Browser push options

Process MDS:
    Set whether your BlackBerry® device accepts browser push messages from the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server or BlackBerry® Internet Service.

MDS Hosts:
    Set whether your device accepts push messages from all BlackBerry Enterprise Servers or BlackBerry Internet Services, or no BlackBerry Enterprise Servers or BlackBerry Internet Services.

Process SMSC:
    Set whether your device accepts SMS-based browser push messages.

SMSC Hosts:
    Set which SMSC hosts your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific SMSC host, type the phone number for the SMSC host.

Process IP:
    Set whether your device accepts browser push messages that web applications send through a WAP gateway.

IP Hosts:
    Set which WAP gateways your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific IP host, type the IP address for the WAP gateway. Continue reading »

8 月 032010

大家手里的黑莓手机(特别是8900,9000,9700)在部分地区偶尔有断网现象, 下面将一些可以尝试的办法整理出来, 供各位BBer参考.

自带浏览器可以上网,第3方软件不能上网. 只能在重启系统后才能恢复.


1. 修改网络选择方式,同时禁用自动开/关机
1.1 将option—mobile Network—Network selection mode 将auto  改成manual.
1.2 将option—auto on/off 全部改为disable.

成功案例: 8900+ ROM (和 ROM)

2. 将GPS中所有选项都关闭
成功案例: 9700+ ROM Continue reading »

11 月 142009


1. 在启用firewall的情况下, 程序第一次使用cmnet上网后,不能使用wifi来上网; 程序第一次使用wifi上网后,不能使用cmnet来上网.

2. 关闭firewall后才可以上. 黑莓自带浏览器不受影响.Goonuu不受影响.

3. 现象,不能连接时提示: The application has attempted to open a connection to a location inside the firewall and outside the firewall.


1. 在黑莓出厂的默认设置中, 为保持手持设备的网络安全,禁止了第三方程序的private和public两种类型连接方式的共存,以保护内部网络数据不被第三方程序传送到public网络. 例如黑莓企业服务器的MDS输入private类型,而wap和cmnet属于public类型.

2. 此项控制是通过手机IT Policy中 “ALLOW_SPLIT_PIPE_CONNECTIONS” 这一条策略来调整,出厂默认为False.需将其设置为True才可以使用多种类型上网方式.

解决方法: Continue reading »

10 月 212009

Supported Video Formats

MPEG-4 Part 2 (Simple Profile and bvop, including DivX 4)
           File formats – .avi, .3gp, .mp4, .mov
          Video – Up to 320 x 240, up to 800 kbps, up to 30 frames per second

H.263 (Profile 0 & Profile 3)
          File formats – .avi, .3gp, .mp4, .mov
          Video – up to 320 x 240, up to 800 kbps, up to 30 frames per second

Windows Media Video (Simple Profile)
          File formats – .wmv
          Video – Up to 320 x 240, up to 800 kbps, up to 24 frames per second

Note: Windows Media Video is supported in BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.1 and later. Continue reading »

9 月 162009

This is the day you've all been waiting for! Opera Mini 5 beta is hereby ready for download.

As you know, we've been working on this version for quite a while. When you see the end result, we're sure you'll think the waiting was worthwhile. To download, go to http://m.opera.com/next, but please note that phone support varies from previous versions of Opera Mini.

Some key features:

    * New, sleek design
    * Tabbed browsing
    * Password manager
    * Inline text editing
    * Copy-and-paste function
    * We have made a special, native version for BlackBerry which includes opening links and copy-and-paste functions

Known issues:

    * No Android version yet, but we're working on it 🙂
    * All Palm devices will have to stick with 4.2, as they aren't capable of running 5
    * Downloads, feeds and Opera Link are all disabled in the Beta while we polish the implementation
    * Devices with little memory may have problems, in general, and some may not be able to run Opera Mini 5 at all.
    * Devices with small resolution (less than QVGA, 240 в 320) are not recommended to try the beta Continue reading »

9 月 132009

      Is a quality device password set to control access to the Blackberry?

      Is content protection(encryption) enabled on the Blackberry?

      Does the Blackberry contain the latest RIM operating system?

      Are you regularly educating yourself on potential new Blackberry vulnerabilities and exploits?

      Is an antivirus/antimalware program installed on the Blackberry?

      Are you on the lookout for third-party Blackberry personal firewalls?

      Is the Blackberry firewall-enabled?

      Are the Blackberry firewall default setting configured as securely as possible for how the Blackberry will be utilized?

      Are specific applications installed on the Blackberry configured with the least amount of access to other portions of the Blackberry?

      Are users educated on the potential risks to Blackberry?

      Are external interfaces that will not be utilized disabled?

      Is the bluetooth Discoverable option disabled?

      Are bluetooth options, such as acess to the address book,configured as securely as possible?

Things to Remember

      Blackberry devices are susceptible to exactly the same types of threats as any other type of computer system. These threats include the following: Continue reading »