9月 162009

0. 是否支持wifi
答: 支持.

1. 如何更改Speed dial
选中要改变的选项,长按1(触摸屏长时间点击要编辑的Speed Dial即可)

2. 无法输入中文/如何使用机器自带的输入法?
将设置 -> 关闭 网址自动补全 功能

3. 如何粘贴复制?

4. 选择 很小字体 页面出现错误
“java 程序本身只有三种字体,即 大中小,而 opera mini 5 中的很小是内嵌的字体,仅适用于英文,所以选择很小时无法显示中文
此问题将会在后续版本中修复” Continue reading »

9月 162009

This is the day you've all been waiting for! Opera Mini 5 beta is hereby ready for download.

As you know, we've been working on this version for quite a while. When you see the end result, we're sure you'll think the waiting was worthwhile. To download, go to http://m.opera.com/next, but please note that phone support varies from previous versions of Opera Mini.

Some key features:

    * New, sleek design
    * Tabbed browsing
    * Password manager
    * Inline text editing
    * Copy-and-paste function
    * We have made a special, native version for BlackBerry which includes opening links and copy-and-paste functions

Known issues:

    * No Android version yet, but we're working on it 🙂
    * All Palm devices will have to stick with 4.2, as they aren't capable of running 5
    * Downloads, feeds and Opera Link are all disabled in the Beta while we polish the implementation
    * Devices with little memory may have problems, in general, and some may not be able to run Opera Mini 5 at all.
    * Devices with small resolution (less than QVGA, 240 в 320) are not recommended to try the beta Continue reading »