9 月 062011

blackhat 发表于 2011年9月06日 10时00分 星期二


2009年6月左右,美国驻北京大使馆建立了一个空气监测站,通过@BeijingAir帐号每小时实时更新空气质量指数, 它公布的PM2.5(指小于2.5微米的颗粒物质,对人体健康有害)指数显示北京的空气污染远高于官方公布的数字。中国官员特地召见了美国大使馆官员,向 美方表达了中方的忧虑,认为这种互相矛盾的空气质量信息可能会造成“社会后果”,建议美国是否可以阻止中国人浏览它的Twitter帐号。自2009年7 月起中国就封锁了Twitter

12 月 082010

On Wednesday 8th December 2010, @wikileaks said:

STATEMENT: “We will not be gagged” #cablegate #censorship

Following the detention of Wikileaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assangem, Wikileaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said:

“Today, Wikileaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange was refused bail by a UK court. While we are troubled by this bizarre decision, we know Julian is grateful for the support of both his legal team and prominent figures such as Ken Loach, Jemima Khan and John Pilger.

“However, this will not stifle Wikileaks. The release of the US Embassy Cables – the biggest leak in history – will still continue. This evening, the latest batch of cables were released, and our media partners released their next batch of stories.

“We will not be gagged, either by judicial action or corporate censorship. Today Visa joined Mastercard, Paypal, Amazon, EveryDNS and others in cutting off their links.

“Wikileaks is still online. The full site is duplicated in more than 500 locations. Every day, the cables are loaded more than 50 million times.

“US Senator Joe Lieberman today attacked the New York Times for its decision to publish the cables, just days after calling for companies to boycott Wikileaks.

“Just minutes later, the State Department announced the US will host next year’s UNESCO Press Freedom day. The irony is not lost on us. We hope in future, UNESCO celebrates press freedom somewhere where it exists.” Continue reading »

12 月 062010

Published Monday, 06 December 2010 22:00 | Author: AFP / The Swedish Wire

LONDON (AFP) – The lawyer for Julian Assange said Monday that arrangements were being made to meet with police who had received a request from Sweden for the WikiLeaks founder's extradition.

“Late this afternoon after close of business I got a call from the police, who said that they had received an extradition request from Sweden,” Mark Stephens told BBC television.

“Their request is to interview Julian Assange — he's not been charged with anything — and we are in the process of making arrangements to meet with the police by consent in order to facilitate the taking of that question and answer.”

He said it was not possible to give an exact time of any meeting but it would take place “in the foreseeable future.”

12 月 062010

Published Monday, 06 December 2010 17:20 | Author: Johan Nylander

WikiLeaks' Swedish servers came under attack again Monday, the whistle-blowing website's Swedish hosting company said.

“We are investigating cause,” Mikael Viborg, head of the Internet service provider PRQ, told AP.

WikiLeaks confirmed in a tweet it was having difficulty with its PRQ severs.

Mikael Viborg said the servers had become unresponsive, probably due a so-called denial of service attack aimed at WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks is already fighting to stay on the Internet. It switched its domain to Switzerland because its original web address was shut down by a US provider, as it continues to release thousands of classified US diplomatic cables.

WikiLeaks was on Sunday redirected back to a server in Sweden. Denis Simonet, president of the Pirate Party of Switzerland, said that his group moved wikileaks.ch after the main server in France went offline. Continue reading »