8月 042010

Research In Motion executives are fond of saying that their platform is more secure than other mobile providers. For example, Scott Tzoke, RIM's VP of Security was recently quoted as saying that BlackBerrys are “secure right out of the box” (meaning that no additional mobile security protection is needed) and that RIM offers enterprises with the most secure mobile computing option thanks to the ability to create security settings for all enterprise users via its BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES).

This official position is not without its critics, particularly among some mobile security researchers such as Tyler Shields whose presentation at ShmooCon 2010 showed how standard BlackBerry settings could “access and leak sensitive information using only RIM-provided APIs and no trickery or exploits at all.”

All of these security questions are moot, however, if you're using your BlackBerry to send its highly touted encrypted emails to or from the Russian Federation, the Peoples Republic of China; or, shortly, India, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Continue reading »

8月 022008

发布时间:2008.05.15 07:31     来源:第一财经日报    作者:马晓芳

昨天,据境外媒体报道,微软一名官员称,微软计划到2012年时使运行Windows Mobile的智能手机市场份额占到40%。


实际上,除了Symbian、Windows Mobile以及RIM之外,还有摩托罗拉和索尼爱立信支持的Linux以及刚刚加入竞争的谷歌操作系统Android。

微软亚太区OEM嵌入设备部门总经理埃迪表示,微软的Windows Mobile智能手机销量在2007财年约为1100万部。微软计划,在6月30日结束的2008财年,Windows Mobile的销量将接近2000万部。

中国台湾电子企业宏达电子是微软在智能手机方面的重要合作伙伴,前不久,宏达电推出了iPhone的竞争手机Touch Diamond,微软认为,宏达电子的Touch Diamond将有助于微软实现上述目标。在中国大陆,手机企业多普达以及宇龙酷派也是微软在智能手机上的主要合作伙伴。

据市场研究公司ABI Research的研究报告预测,2013年全球智能手机市场占整个手机市场的比例将从2007年的10%提高到31%。

不过,到目前为止,微软的Windows Mobile手机操作系统仍未与世界第一大手机企业诺基亚达成合作。诺基亚智能手机操作系统仅有Symbian一种。目前,诺基亚在智能手机市场排名第一位,市场份额为52%。