5月 042012

你不必要求正反兩解之一致性, 只是, 若查詢的程式若發現不一致(PARANOID),

請記著一點: DNS 只負責解釋, 至於解釋出來的結果如何用? 那就不是 DNS 要擔心的.

本文撰寫於 www.chinaunix.com ,撰寫人為: netman/abel

主題:反向解析域是怎么授权的 (http://bbs.chinaunix.net/forum/16/20040812/385903.html)
正文開始,文接 netman 那篇
建議您在看前,對 DNS 解析流程及授權有一定的概念,並巳充份了解正解的狀況

首先, 我上次問過大家一個問題:
— 在 internet 上是正解查詢多還是反解查詢多?
若你有朋友在 NIC 或 ISP 內管 dns 的話, 應該不難問出答案:
—> 反解多!

那, 你或許會問: why? Continue reading »

8月 032010

Browser push options

Process MDS:
    Set whether your BlackBerry® device accepts browser push messages from the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server or BlackBerry® Internet Service.

MDS Hosts:
    Set whether your device accepts push messages from all BlackBerry Enterprise Servers or BlackBerry Internet Services, or no BlackBerry Enterprise Servers or BlackBerry Internet Services.

Process SMSC:
    Set whether your device accepts SMS-based browser push messages.

SMSC Hosts:
    Set which SMSC hosts your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific SMSC host, type the phone number for the SMSC host.

Process IP:
    Set whether your device accepts browser push messages that web applications send through a WAP gateway.

IP Hosts:
    Set which WAP gateways your device accepts browser push messages from. To accept browser push messages from a specific IP host, type the IP address for the WAP gateway. Continue reading »