11月 012013

Arno Wagner arno at wagner.name
Thu Jul 28 07:11:17 CEST 2011

There is an old gemran egineering saying:

“wer mist mist mist”

(along the lines of “Those who measure measure crap”)
I think it applies here.

Real-time is tricky. It does not reflect effort invested. If you
look at the sys itime, you see that the crypto-effort is only about
90 seconds more. Even that is pretty much below the measurement
error. Very likely the differences are due to storage differences
and do not show crypto-speed differences.

I suggest you run both tests at least 3 times and make sure
your storage is significantly faster than the crypto, e.g.
by doing this between RAM disks or SSD storage. Also a complex
disk access patterhn like rsync is not suitable as it may
have complex interactions with caching and buffering.


Arno Wagner, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Inform., CISSP — Email: arno at wagner.name
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