11 月 012013

Jorge Fábregas jorge.fabregas at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 01:58:58 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I performed the tests again (twice for each test) but this time I
formatted the LUKS partition using:

cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain -s 256 -h ripemd160 /dev/sdd1

…so that I was more _similar_ to the TrueCrypt setup. Also, between
each test I run:

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Here are the new results for the same payload (143 GB of data):

### TRUECRYPT ####

1st round:
real 105m39.547s
user 28m17.667s
sys 42m25.300s

2nd round:
real 105m40.271s
user 28m21.893s
sys 42m19.672s

### LUKS ###

1st round:
real 104m33.901s
user 27m41.362s
sys 41m0.339s

2nd round:
real 104m44.913s
user 27m42.364s
sys 40m57.655s

Now as you may see, LUKS is roughly around 1 minute ahead (sytem-time)
compared to TrueCrypt. It appears the change in cipher operation mode
definitely affected the results (thing I should have done on the first

Cheers and thank your for the feedback!


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