3月 232011

HOWTO : Home made NAS server with Ubuntu 8.04.1 – Part IV
[HOWTO] 用Ubuntu 8.04.1搭建NAS服务器 – Part IV

Your Samba server and vsFTPd server are running smoothly. Now, we are discussing the installation of remote BitTorrent feature.

You can access your remote BitTorrent server anywhere at anytime. The server requires Apache, PHP and MySQL. They have been installed when you install your Ubuntu Server that selecting the LAMP option.
你可以在任何时间任何地方控制你的BT下载服务。BT下载服务需要Apache, PHP and MySQL的支持。这些内容在安装Ubuntu服务器时,已经选择LAMP安装了。


sudo apt-get install torrentflux bittornado

You will asked for MySQL root password, it is the same as the one when you install the Ubuntu Server. TorrentFlux Administration password to be entered in the same as the MySQL and Ubuntu user password in my case. (for easy remembering).
要求你提供MySQL的root用户口令,就是安装Ubuntu Server时设置的。我是把TorrentFlux的管理口令设置成与MySQL、Ubuntu一样(容易记住)。

Run the TorrentFlux server at your desktop computer with Firefox :
在客户端FireFox浏览器上运行TorrentFlux server

Enter the Log in name as “root” and the password as what you had entered during the installation (TorrentFlux Administration password).

You can replace the “your_server_ip” with your domain name or the IP that provided by your ISP (or say, the real IP).

Updated on 2008-AUG-13 :
Someone complained that the Torrentflux with Bittornado eats a lot of CPU resources. I confirmed that it is. I am looking for an alternative solution – BitTornado (backend) and Torrentflux-b4rt (front end). The title for the tutorial is at HOWTO : Home made NAS server with Ubuntu 8.04.1 – Part IV (a).
很多人抱怨说Torrentflux with Bittornado消耗大量CPU资源。经过确认情况属实。我找了一个替换方案: BitTornado (backend) 和 Torrentflux-b4rt (front end)。


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