3月 092017





沿着任何一条北韩的主干道,抬头即可发现他曾经的辉煌及怎样的失落 – 那些摇摇欲坠的输电线,锈迹斑斑的铁塔证明着,电网曾经覆盖着整个国家。

北韩中年以上年纪的人都记得,曾几何时,他们比在南韩亲美的表亲有着更多的电力(这也意味着更多的食物),然而,现在他们 Continue reading »

3月 092017


在当时,作为一个美国记者,访问北韩是非常困难的。而且,即使千方百计得以访问北韩,我发现要完成一个报导也几乎是件不可能的事情。 访问北韩的西方记者们通常都会被指派一个所谓的“看管”, 他的工作就是确保不发生任何没有官方批准的交谈。同时,访问者所参观的地方都是事先经过精心挑选。同当地普通市民接触是绝对不允许的。 在照片及电视里,有关北韩人的形象,不是机器人似的、整齐划一的正步阅兵,就是出现在为歌颂领袖而举行的大型团体操中。我久久的凝视着这些照片,试图探究这些面无表情的面孔后面可能的故事。 Continue reading »

3月 092017

《我们最幸福:北朝鲜人民的真实生活》(Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea)是《洛杉矶时报》记者芭芭拉·德米克(Barbara Demick)访问6位来自朝鲜清津市的脱北者后,于2009年出版的半小说形式报导文学书籍。

本书的标题取自1961年创作的一首北朝鲜童谣《世上无所羡慕》(세상에 부럼 없어라)。黄煜文翻译、麦田出版发行的中文版根据英文译名(Nothing to Envy)辗转意译成《我们最幸福》,与歌名原意有所偏离。





第一章 黑暗里,手牵手
第二章 不洁之血
第三章 真正的信徒
第四章 陷入黑暗
第五章 维多利亚式的罗曼史
第六章 神的黄昏
第七章 酒瓶当点滴
第八章 手风琴与黑板
第九章 好人命不长
第十章 妈妈的发明
第十一章 流浪的燕子
第十二章 人人自危
第十三章 井底之蛙
第十四章 那条河
第十五章 顿悟
第十六章 买来的老婆
第十七章 睁大眼睛,闭上嘴
第十八章 应许之地
第十九章 故乡里的陌生人
第二十章 团聚

2月 272017



E2EMail代码目前已经上传到GitHub,每个人都可以访问查看代码。 Continue reading »

2月 202017

自從今年(2015)的4月更新完後,拙者的Windows Update就癱瘓掉了
每次點選檢查更新後,沒多久肯定會跑出錯誤代碼 8007000E
一切都是微軟為了Windows10的布局啊!!!! Continue reading »

2月 182017

Update .gitmodules with the path to the new repository
Remove the corresponding line from the “.git/config” file
Delete the corresponding directory in the “.git/modules/external” directory
Delete the checked out submodule directory itself (unsure if this is necessary)
Run git submodule init and git submodule update
Make sure the checked out submodule is at the correct commit, and commit that, since it’s likely that the hash will be different
After doing all that, everything is in the state I would expect.

  发表于 13:16  Tagged with:
1月 222017

By: Ryan Frankel Posted: May 9, 2016


TL; DR: We assess two of the most popular web servers: NGINX and Apache, on six key points of comparison (performance for static vs. dynamic content, OS support, security, flexibility, documentation, and support). We’ll find that the two are worthy competitors, but Apache’s .htaccess file makes it particularly appealing to shared hosting customers. Meanwhile, NGINX reigns supreme for dynamic content support, and due in part to its more advanced feature offerings, is most popularly used by VPS and dedicated hosting users. Finally, we’ll go over our recommendations for hosting your next web app project.

There was a time (~late 90s-2011) when the Apache web server served around 60 percent — and at times even more — of the world’s websites. That percentage has since fallen below 35 and is still dropping at quite a significant rate. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s IIS web server has held a somewhat steady, slightly increasing, share of the market, reaching 30 percent today. Third place is held by a competitor called NGINX (pronounced “engine-x”), which currently serves around 16 percent of all sites, and that rate is steadily growing by about one percent each year.

I’ll note that some web surveyors place the market shares of Apache and NGINX much higher, considering IIS a lesser competitor. Reality likely resides somewhere in the middle, but the overall trends are clear. Considering only the busiest sites on the Web, Apache holds about 46 percent of the market share, but that portion drops by about four percent annually; NGINX holds a strong second place with 24 percent of the market share and is growing at a rate of about three percent each year. Clearly NGINX is enticing the world’s biggest web properties with something! Continue reading »

1月 222017
January 28, 2015


Apache and Nginx are the two most common open source web servers in the world. Together, they are responsible for serving over 50% of traffic on the internet. Both solutions are capable of handling diverse workloads and working with other software to provide a complete web stack.

While Apache and Nginx share many qualities, they should not be thought of as entirely interchangeable. Each excels in its own way and it is important to understand the situations where you may need to reevaluate your web server of choice. This article will be devoted to a discussion of how each server stacks up in various areas. Continue reading »