12月 242013

In our first installation in this blog, we went through a basic XCache installation with CentOS, Apache and PHP 5. Now, we’re going to look into how to make it work for your personal installation.

Much like every other tutorial out there, if you explicitly follow the instructions you find on the internet, you’re usually going to run into problems. One of the biggest problems I see in systems configurations, is getting someone that “tunes” the machine by copying and pasting configs straight from a forum or blog. Sure, it works, but that doesn’t mean it works *good*. It could also cause many more problems that it solves.

The best way to tune a machine will always be understanding what you’re doing. And that’s what we’re going to try to do here today with XCache. Continue reading »

12月 102010

随着php的版本的升级,ubuntu上默认安装的php版本也从php5.2.x升级到了php5.3.x. 服务器上的一些php程序也是被开发商用zend的早期版本加密过的, 但是zend官方至今仍然没有提供zend optimizer的支持php5.3同时兼容php5.2的版本.

为什么迟迟无法推出支持php5.3的zend optimizer呢?

by kentatzend on Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:54 pm
The problem is that as we looked into this it is simply not just Optimizer that needs to be updated but also Zend Guard. Zend Guard does not support PHP 5.3 and it appear that php 5.2 code that is encoded with Guard will not run properly in Optimizer/php5.3. So even if we released optimizer it probably would not work.

We need to build a new version of Guard & Optimizer that supports PHP 5.3 and … then people will need to re-encode/obfuscate with the new Guard to run on PHP 5.3.

So this is taking some time due to low level incompatibility that end users of PHP would never see but are important for stuff like this. Please bear with us as we update this product.


by kentatzend on Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:54 am
We plan to release a zend guard and runtime for php 5.3 later this year.

意思是要继续等待,等待官方开发出支持php5.3的zend guard加密部分的软件,然后才能提供解密运行的zend optimizer的部分. Continue reading »