7月 292011


设置为两步登陆后,完成第二步登陆的数字码有三种途径可以获得,一是通过手机上的程序生成,二是通过设定的手机接收短信,三是设置时生成的备用数字 验证码。此外,利用程序特有密码(Application-specific Password)也是一个访问Google账户中数据的方法,下面分别从这四方面来分别分析它的安全性。



六位数字码每30秒就改变一次,具体哪一秒改变,不同的设备不一样,时间是数字码生成中的一个很重要的变量,无论是是关闭程序还是如何,只要是30 秒内,生成的数字码是不变的。但这并不意味着数字码被猜中的机率为百万分之一,因为这个数字码是有“有效期”的,时间从两步登陆中第一步登陆数据的提交开 始计算,从那开始,五分钟内生成的共计10个数字验证码中任意一个都可以辅助完成登陆,也就是说,数字码验证被突破的机率应该是十万分之一。这一点也是用 户无法控制的,保密工作的重点不在这一步。 Continue reading »

4月 042010

Authentication mechanisms vs. password schemes

Authentication mechanisms and password schemes are often confused, because they have somewhat similar values. For example there is a PLAIN auth mechanism and PLAIN password scheme. But they mean completely different things.

1.Authentication mechanism is a client/server protocol.
It's about how the client and server talk to each others in order to perform the authentication. Most people use only PLAIN authentication, which basically means that the user and password are sent without any kind of encryption to server. SSL/TLS can then be used to provide the encryption to make PLAIN authentication secure.

2.Password scheme is about how the password is hashed in your password database.
If you use a PLAIN scheme, your passwords are stored in cleartext without any hashing in the password database. A popular password scheme MD5-CRYPT (also commonly used in /etc/shadow) where passwords looks like “$1$oDMXOrCA$plmv4yuMdGhL9xekM.q.I/”.

3.Plaintext authentication mechanisms work with ALL password schemes.

4.Non-plaintext authentication mechanisms require either PLAIN password scheme or a mechanism-specific password scheme.