3 月 022008

retainer fee是法律专有用词,这个词在中国或许还没有一致的中文翻译。但在香港法律界,其中文是“聘用费 或 预售费用 或定金”,聘用费是指预留或保留某位大律师为某宗案件或某位当事人提供服务而付予大律师的费用。

A retainer fee is the fee which detains an attorney for legal counsel. With this fee, the attorney is certain of the seriousness of your intentions and can take your case to heart.

Retainer fee in general means to pre-pay someone (or at least a portion) for service to be rendered. It is common in the legal service field.



如果上下文没有提到律师业务的话,retainer fee就应该是指"定金",各种贸易都适用,定金的概念可以在有关的法律书中查到,译成中文前要看仔细了,特别要注意把定金和"订金","预付款"区分开,简单地说,在中文范畴里,付定金的人违约的话就不能把定金要回来,收定金的人违约的话,就要双倍返还."订金"和"预付款"则没有这种法律约束力.


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